Last viewed 21 hrs ago

200 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

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200 Hrs Hatha Yoga Teachers training course in shivsiddhyogpeeth is an ideal program for the practitioners seeking a deep approach towards their practice. Throughout the course, different dimensions of broadening the knowledge of students are the main focus. The course has been designed in a way that could be appropriate for every student signing up for this program.

Hatha yoga is known as the origin of all the different forms of yoga asana practice so this course will be resulting in making a very strong base for the practitioners and making them more stable and adaptive in the direction of furtherance in their yogic journeys. Hatha yoga consists of asanas (postures), pranayamas (breathing techniques), shatkriyas (cleansing practices), mudras(gestures) & bandhas (energy locks). All these different practices, done regularly increases the strength of the body and alertness of mind facilitating a better understanding of one’s consciousness.

The course offers morning and evening intense yoga sessions where the classes will be conducted according to the pattern of traditional Hatha style keeping main focus on explaining the importance of the preparatory exercises (warming up series or sukshma Vayama) first, which will keep the practitioners more awake on precaution from injuries and also develop strength and flexibility for getting more deeper into the intensity of asanas. Along with the deeper practice of asanas, teaching methodology will be primary focus so that the students will become equally confident in teaching to others. And for increasing this instinct, in the last week of the course students will be asked to prepare and teach others, which will make them more confident.

For this facilitation, teaching methodology classes will be one of the main parts of this program and apart from that, other important subjects like essential anatomy & physiology classes for better understanding of the body and movements, alignment & adjustment classes for proper techniques of teaching, pranayamas classes for increasing stamina and control, mantra chanting and meditation classes for increasing the alertness and focus of mind and the yoga philosophy classes which explains the origin, meaning, need & importance and of yoga.
The word Hatha is a Sanskrit word meaning “self-will” or “discipline”, but this translation does not mean that hatha yoga is a forceful practice, in fact it is a source that brings the practitioner in an aligned state of body and mind. An ideal way to explain this is the balanced state of physical & mental energy that awakens the practitioner towards the path of self- realization or spiritual energy.

As per the traditional ancient explanation, hatha yoga is derived from two syllables “Ha” & “Tha” where “Ha” means the sun energy, which is symbolized as heat & active energy showing the masculine force and “Tha” means the moon energy which is symbolized as cool & receptive showing the feminine energy in all. Hatha yoga is the practice to balance and uniting these opposite forces and bringing them into harmony which awakens one’s consciousness and equilibrium in mind-body functions.

The balanced state of “ha” and “tha”, the sun and the moon energy show the actual meaning of yoga which is the union of individual and universal consciousness that takes one into a realized state of being. However, first, it is important also to understand the importance and balance of health because that only can take us into a deeper understanding of spirituality. So as per need in modern era, the primary utility of yoga is to develop a stable and healthy physical as well as mental energy. Regular practicing of postures, breathing techniques, cleansing practices, gestures, energy locks, and meditation develops more strength in people and starts releasing toxins from the body and opens all the blockages facilitating a better flow of energy in the body.

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